Mars CES Logo | Light

MARS CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING SERVICE COMPANY (MARS) specializes in new building construction, grading, site preparation, and civil engineering for all Vertical and Horizontal infrastructures, such as schools, clinics, embassies, and warehouses. We are also pioneers in logistics, & UXO removal, etc. with having a highly qualified board and significant experience in the above fields.

  • CE6
  • CE01
  • CE02
  • CE03
  • CE4
  • CE5
  • CE7
  • CE8
  • CE9
  • CE10

About This Project

This project, which includes commercial, office, and hotel spaces along with two floors of parking, will be built in a total area of 89,000 square meters on 15 floors.

3D Models

Mix, Porposed
architecture, building, construction, Currency Exchange, Interior Design, Projects
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