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Terrace Garden

Terrace garden

The garden terrace or the green terrace, which is also called the green balcony, is a new solution to deal with the feeling of suffocation caused by living in an apartment. These days, there is no more news about the spacious houses and villas, and every day we see an increase in the number of apartments. Even if you live in such a big apartment, it is still impossible that sometimes you don’t want to sit in a beautiful and pleasant yard for a few minutes. With all this, if your apartment has a balcony or terrace, we must say that there is still room for hope; Because in this case, you can easily design the green space in the balcony.

With the implementation of Terrace Garden, your ordinary balcony and terrace will become a lovely and green environment. It goes without saying that terrace gazebos, pots for the edge of the terrace, wooden benches for the terrace, etc. are considered other decorative items for the balcony space; By the way, these give a special variety to the types of garden terraces. Even if you take a look at the example of the terrace, you will see that the design of the green space in the balcony has been associated with a lot of diversity in most cases. The main thing about the design of the green space in the balcony is that its implementation is not limited to apartments; It means that it can be used even for the terraces of villas.
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Features and benefits of a green balcony

Now that you understand what terrace garden means, it is not bad to have a look at the features and benefits of a green balcony. The main advantage of the garden terrace is that it gives a beautiful effect to the balcony and terrace of the house; But one of the other benefits of implementing a green balcony is that it turns an unused space into a place for growing vegetables and growing flowers and plants. If the design of the green balcony is done in large dimensions, even the roof garden can be implemented in it. In this case, it is no longer necessary to carry out the implementation and implementation of this balcony with items such as pots for the edge of the terrace or a wooden terrace bench.

Of course, if you are not looking to design a green space on the balcony and want to have a beautiful and stylish terrace, we suggest using flower boxes. These boxes are actually the pots for the edge of the terrace, which are easily installed on the fences and the edge of the balcony wall. In this case, by paying an affordable fee, you will succeed in running a garden terrace; You can even do it yourself and arrange a compact-sized green balcony. You see, bringing a piece of nature to your home is not that difficult.

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